
Europe+ Africa+ Asia+ Antarctica+ Australia+North America+ South America=?

What would the above equation be equal to? PANGAEA !!!!!

Image result for pangea

Above is an image of Pangaea predicted by geologist

Atlantic Ocean+ Indian Ocean+Pacific Ocean + Arctic Ocean +Southern Ocean=?

What would the second equation equal to?? PANTHALASSA!!!

The earth was once not separated, only a single large land combined together called Pangaea and surrounded but a single large ocean, Panthalassa. You might wonder how they got separated? What kind of energy that was used to separate the large lands? And what will happen in the future to the lands?

Plate tectonics occur due to movement of mantle in the earth surface by convection. Convection is a movement of hotter, therefore less dense fluid to replace the cooler, hence denser fluid above them and vice versa. The movement of mantle below earth crust causes the seafloor crust and continental crust to move slowly with them. The movement is slow enough that is about 2 cm a year, so it becomes unnoticeable unless to those who are studying them.


The scientists realized the existence of Pangaea because they found similar type of fossil at distant places.

Image result for dicynodont

Dicynodont’s fossil was found in India, South Africa and Australia is an evident that shows they are able to move to different places because plate tectonics have not separate the land into continents.- Dicynodont.